
The SSH plugin implements functionality to remote access using the SSH-2 protocol. The plugin is implemented on top of the JSCH library which is a Java based SSH-2 implementation.

The plugin supports these SSH commands:

  • Execute shell command at remote host. A a single OS command or a shell script is execution at remote host.
  • Secure file copy to host. A single file is copied from Pineapple to a remote host.
  • Test equals. Extension of the execution shell command which executes a shell command or script and then validates whether the returned output from standard out is equal to the expected value.
  • Test contains. Extension of the execution shell command which executes a shell command or script and then validates whether the returned output from standard out contains the expected value.


Go to the Plugin Usage page for instructions on using the plugin.

Supported operations

The plugin supports all operations.

When the plugin is invoked with an operation, it will execute the SSH commands (e.g. execute or secure copy).

Plugin schema

The plugin defines a schema named SSH plugin schema for definition of models in module model files. The schema defines the namespace http://pineapple.dev.java.net/ns/plugin/ssh_1_0. For more information about where the schema can be found, refer to the Schema locations for plugins page.

Development documentation

Technical documentation for developers about the architecture, design and implementation of the project can be found here.