Pineapple System Properties

Pineapple define a set of Java System Properties which is used to configure the tool.

How Pineapple processes the system properties

The system properties are processed during Initialization of the core component, where the different parts of the core component reads and configures themselves based on whether a relevant system property is defined and it's value.

Supported system properties

The pineapple.home.dir system property

Defines the absolute path to the Pineapple home directory where Pineapple expects its runtime directory structure to be defined.

This is an optional system property. If this property isn't defined then it will be resolved to a OS dependent default value.

The pineapple.credentialprovider.password.file system property

Defines the absolute path to the file containing the master password used by Pineapple to encrypt (and decrypt) credential passwords.

This is an optional system property. If this property isn't defined then it will be resolved to: ${pineapple.home.dir}/conf/credentialprovider.password.