Core component initialization

The initialization takes place when a client creates a new instance of the core component.

How the core component is created and initialized

The core component is created by clients through a factory method on the CoreFactory class to create an instance of the core component with its dependencies initialized and injected by Spring.

Two execution paths for initialization of the core component

Two general execution paths are implemented for initialization of the core component:

  1. The core component is created with no parameters other than Java system properties.
  2. The core component is created with parameters besides Java system properties. The parameters are
    • The provider defines the supplied credential provider object, which is used by the core component during operation execution to lookup security credentials for accessed resources.
    • The resources argument defines the file where the core component will load resources from the environment configuration.

The reason for using the term two general execution paths is because the second path comes in three variants:

  1. Credential provider + absolute path to resources file.
  2. Credential provider + resources file name with no path.
  3. Credential provider, no resource file parameter.

Doesn't result listeners count as parameters?

Inspection of the core factory API reveals that it contain factory methods with additional parameters, i.e the result listener array.

This parameter is ignored in the above explanation since they are applied to the core component prior to its actual initialization to support the publisher-subscribe pattern for clients to subscribe to events which describes how the initialization proceeds.

Note about numbering of steps in the execution paths

The numbering of steps is identical in the two execution paths to be able to reference and document a particular step in both execution paths.

Execution path for initialization of the core component with no parameters

  1. The client invokes one of:
    • CoreFactory.createCore()
    • CoreFactory.createCore(ResultListener[] listeners)
  2. The core component is looked up from the core component Spring application context:
    1. The core component Spring application context com.alpha.pineapple.core-config.xml is loaded.
    2. The initialization of the context triggers the creation of an uninitialized core component and the initialization of is its main dependencies
      1. The runtime directory provider is initialized.
      2. The result repository is injected.
      3. The module repository is injected.
      4. A uninitialized core component instance is created.
    3. A uninitialized core component instance is looked up from the application context.
    4. if the factory was invoked with an array of result listeners then they are registered with the core component.
  3. The uninitialized core component is initialized by invoking CoreImpl.initialize() which:
    1. Initialize the home directory.
    2. Create default environment configuration.
    3. Load the resources configuration.
    4. Initialize plugin activator.
    5. Initialize the administration API.
    6. Initialize the module repository.
    7. Initialize the scheduled operation repository.

Execution path for initialization of the core component with parameters

  1. The client invokes one of:
    • CoreFactory.createCore(CredentialProvider provider)
    • CoreFactory.createCore(CredentialProvider provider, ResultListener[] listeners)
    • CoreFactory.createCore(CredentialProvider provider, File resources)
    • CoreFactory.createCore(CredentialProvider provider, File resources, ResultListener[] listeners)
  2. The core component is looked up from the core component Spring application context:
    1. The core component Spring application context com.alpha.pineapple.core-config.xml is loaded.
    2. The initialization of the context triggers the creation of an uninitialized core component and the initialization of is its main dependencies
      1. The runtime directory provider is initialized.
      2. The result repository is injected.
      3. The module repository is injected.
      4. A uninitialized core component instance is created.
    3. A uninitialized core component instance is looked up from the application context.
    4. if the factory was invoked with an array of result listeners then they are registered with the core component.
  3. The uninitialized core component is initialized by invoking either CoreImpl.initialize(provider) or CoreImpl.initialize(provider, resources) which:
    1. Load the resources configuration.
    2. Initialize plugin activator.
    3. Initialize the administration API.
    4. Initialize the module repository.
    5. Initialize the scheduled operation repository.

Step 2.2.1: Initialization of the runtime directory provider

The runtime directory provider use this algorithm to resolve the Pineapple Home Directory:

  1. If the system property pineapple.home.dir is set then the home directory is resolved to this directory.
  2. If the system property isn't defined then Pineapple will resolve to its home directory to: ${user.home}/.pineapple

The operating system is determined on the value of the system property.

${user.home} is the value of the user.home system property.

Step 2.2.2: Injection of result repository

The core component is injected with an instance of ResultRepositoryImpl which implements the ResultRepository interface. The result repository implements the role of subject in the observer pattern where interested parties can register themselves for notification when operations are executed.

Step 2.2.3: Injection of module repository

The core component is injected with an instance of DirectoryBasedModuleRepositoryImpl which implements the ModuleRepository interface.

The repository administers a set of available modules resolved from the modules directory. The modules directory is resolved from the runtime directory provider.

The injected module repository isn't initialized yet at this point. The repository is initialized with the set of available modules in step 3.5.

Step 3: Initialization of the core component proper

Two different execution paths

The CoreImpl.initialize(..) method is where the two different execution paths are implemented:

  1. The core component is created with no parameters other than Java system properties.
  2. The core component is created with parameters besides Java system properties. The parameters are
    • A credential provider instance.
    • A file defining where the resources should be loaded from.

The difference between the two executions path

The difference between the two paths is that creation of runtime directories and default configuration (e.g. step 3.1 and 3.2) is omitted when the client invokes the core component with parameters since it it assumed that the client have taken the required steps to ensure that the resource configuration file and directories are present prior to initialization.

Details about the supported CoreImpl.initialize(..) methods


This method is the execution path with no parameters.


This method is part of the execution path with parameters.

When CoreImpl.initialize(provider) is invoked then the core component assumes:

  • The resources file is named resources.xml
  • The resources file is located on the class path.

..and thus invokes CoreImpl.initialize(provider, resources) with a file object with no absolute path but only the file name resources.xml.

CoreImpl.initialize(provider, resource)

This method is the main entrance to the execution path with parameters.

Step 3.1: Initialization of the home directory

The core component uses the chain command InitializeHomeDirectoriesCommand process the directories. The command use the runtime directory provider for resolution of all directories. The runtime directory provider was initialized in step 2.2.1.

The command creates the home directory and sub directories:

  • The home directory
  • The configuration directory
  • The modules directory
  • The reports directory

Step 3.2: Create default environment configuration

The core component uses the chain command CreateDefaultEnvironmentConfigurationCommand to create a default configuration if no home directory, sub directories and environment configuration files exists.

The command performs the initialization:

  • If an resources file exists (i.e. resources.xml) then the command exits.
  • If an credentials file exists (i.e. the credential.xml) then the command exits.
  • If an credentials file exists (i.e. the credential.xml) then the command exits.
  • A default resources file is created in the configuration directory.
  • A default credentials file is created in the configuration directory.

Step 3.3: Load the resources configuration

The core component attempts to load the resources from the environment configuration using the resources argument supplied as argument to the constructor. The core component uses the chain command LoadEnvironmentConfigurationCommand to load the file and bind it to the schema defined in the pineapple-api project.

For more information about the used schema and the environment configuration in general, refer to environment configuration reference.

Step 3.4: Initialize plugin activator

The core component uses the chain command InitializePluginActivatorCommand to initialize the plugin activator object. The command uses the resources and the credential provider to initialize the activator object. The returned plugin activator implements the interface PluginActivator.

Step 3.4.1: Initialization of the resource repository

ResourceRepository.initialize( environment configuration );.

Step 3.4.2: Initialization of the plugin repository

The initialization of repository is done by invoking:

PluginRepository.initialize( list of plugin id's );.

The initialize( list of plugin id's ) performs these steps to initialize the repository:

  1. All registered plugin id's are requested from the resources cache and resolved with the class loader. The class loader resolution is required, otherwise can't the Spring component scanner find the plugin classes. Afterwards the plugins id's are used to perform a component scan of classes which is annotated with the @Plugin annotation. All found classes are named using a custom bean naming generator com.alpha.pineapple.plugin.repository.PluginNameGeneratorImpl which generate bean names for plugins with the syntax: plugin:${package-name} where ${package-name} is the package of the found @Plugin annotated class.
  2. Creates an map of PluginInfo objects. PluginInfo contains meta data about a plugin which where found during the plugin scanning.
  3. Start iteration over all found plugin classes.
  4. Creates PluginInfo object
  5. Creates application context object for plugin.
  6. Adds plugin providers to the plugin application context. These providers are initialized:
    • The execution info provider under the bean id "coreExecutionInfoProvider".
    • The runtime directory provider under the bean id "coreRuntimeDirectoryProvider".
    • The administration provider under the bean id "coreAdministrationProvider".
    • The variable substitution provider under the bean id "coreVariableSubstitutionProvider".
  7. Enables input marshalling if Spring configuration file can found for the plugin. Add state to PluginInfo.
  8. Executes a Spring component-scan for @PluginOperation annotated classes with base in package where the plugin class is located. The found operation classes are added to the plugin application context.
  9. Executes a Spring component-scan for @PluginSession annotated classes with base in package where the plugin class is located. The found session class are added to the plugin application context.
  10. Enables session handling if a session class was found during component-scan (in step 9).
  11. The plugin info object is added to the map and the next plugin class is processed from step 4

Step 3.4.3: Creation of PluginActivatorImpl instance

A PluginActivatorImpl instance is created with three arguments:

  • The credential provider
  • The resources repository
  • The plugin repository

Step 3.5: Initialize administration API

The core component initializes the administration API by setting the initialized credential provider to support access by clients and plugins through the API to credential provider.

Step 3.6: Initialize module repository

The core component initializes the module repository by invoking the initialize() method which re-initializes the set of registered modules.

Step 3.7: Initialize scheduled operation repository

The core component initializes the scheduled operation repository by invoking the initialize() method which re-initializes the set of registered scheduled operation.

The set of scheduled operations are loaded from the file:PINEAPPLE_HOME/conf/scheduled-operations.xml.