How-to: Test the load-balancing setup in a server environment
The example requires these preconditions to be run:
- A load balanced environment with a lest two servers.
Three steps are needed to configure the plugin to work:
- Define resource which defines access to the plugin.
- Define test cases in Pineapple module.
This example extends the last step of the basic example by adding some new test cases.
For information about how to define resource, credentials and modules refer to the plugin usage page.
Add the load balancing test cases to the module
Open the model file for the target environment and add the test case:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mmd:models xmlns:xs=""
xmlns:itp="" >
<mmd:model target-resource="infrastructure-test">
<itp:http-configuration id="default-http-config" description="My default HTTP configuration" >
<itp:proxy host="bigbossproxy" port="8080"/>
<itp:test-load-balancing description="session-stickyness-test for..." requests="5" http-configuration-ref="default-http-config" >
<itp:property name="host" value="null" />
<itp:property name="environment" value="null" />
<itp:property name="location" value="null" />
Meaning of the elements in the example
- The test-load-balancing defines the load-balancing test.
- The description attribute should contain a suitable description of the test which is used by Pineapple at run time in clients and reports to show the outcome of the test.
- The requests attribute should contain the number of times the sequence of URL should be invoked. In the example the defined URL sequence is invoked 5 times.
- The http-configuration-ref attribute references a HTTP Configuration element which configures the HTTP client with settings TCP, HTTP and proxy server. In the example the test cases uses the HTTP configuration named default-http-config which defines a proxy server.
- The urls element is a container element which contains a sequence of URL's which are invoked to test the load balancing. The protocol can either be HTTP or HTTPS. In the example two URLS are defined, each by their own url element.
- The assert element defines a container element for the expected test values.
- The properties element defines a container element for the expected property values. In the example three properties are tested:
- The host element should contain the the expected name of the accessed host.
- The environment element should contain the the expected name of the accessed environment is returned from the load-balanced environment. This value is computed by the accessed environment or it can be null. Later in this example it is described how this value can be computed by using a simple test application.
- The location element should contain the the expected name of the accessed location in the load-balanced environment. The location can be used to logical divide an environment in multiple sections. An environment can be divided into multiple clusters or network zones. Later in this example it is described how this value can be computed by using a simple test application.
- The servers element should contain the range of servers which is included in the load balancing setup. The example expected request to be load balanced between three servers: qaserver1-3. Later in this example it is described how this value can be computed by using a simple test application.
Computing values for environment, location and servers
The values can be computed by implementing a small test application which is deployed into the environment whose load balancing setup should be tested.
TODO: write this..
Using Pineapple to run the test
- Copy the module to ${user.home}/.pineapple/conf/modules.
- Start the client by invoking runPineapple.cmd.
- Select the module with name == pineapple-loadbalancing-example
- Select the environment qa-environment
- Press the button Deploy configuration to run the tests.