How-to: Use the Hamcrest asserter object with matchers


This example illustrates how to setup a project to use the asserter object which can be use to assert Hamcrest matchers and capture the result in execution result objects.

To setup a project to use the asserter follow these steps:

  • Add Maven dependency to the project.
  • Import the spring configuration file
  • Define a field in each class which need access to the asserter.
  • Define a field in each class which need access to the matcher factory.
  • Create matchers using the factory method.
  • Assert matchers using the asserter.

Add Maven dependency to the project

The asserter is defined in the pineapple-hamcrest-support project, so add a Maven dependency to the project POM:


Import the spring configuration file

If the project contain a Spring configuration file for definition of the beans used by the project then add an import directive to import the Spring configuration file from the Hamcrest matchers project:

        <!-- Configures pineapple-hamcrest-matchers -->
        <import resource="classpath:com.alpha.pineapple.hamcrest-config.xml" />

Now the asserter is available in the project with the bean id asserter. The asserter is defined with the prototype scope.

Define a field in each class which need access to the asserter

To get access to the asserter bean from a class in the project, declare a field in a class and let Spring inject the asserter when the class is initialized:

     * Hamcrest asserter.
    Asserter asserter;

Define a field in each class which need access to the matcher factory.

To get access to the matchers implemented in the Hamcrest matchers project, declare a field in a class and let Spring inject the matcher factory when the class is initialized:

     * Pineapple matcher factory.
    PineappleMatchers pineappleMatchers;

Create matchers using the factory method

To use the matchers implemented in the Hamcrest matchers project, create them using the matcher factory:

    Matcher emptyArrayMatcher = pineappleMatchers.isArrayEmpty();

Assert matchers using the asserter

Use to asserter to assert matchers and capture the result in execution results:

    // set parent execution result

   // assert array is empty    
   asserter.assertObject(array, emptyArrayMatcher, "..asserting that the array is empty..");