Development documentation

Internal configuration


The project uses Log4j for logging. Each project which links to this project must provide a Log4j configuration which is accessible at runtime as a result of the build process.

The project does not provide a Log4j configuration as part of its production build. A log4j configuration file is defined in the project in the directory src/test/resources/ for testing.

The unit test uses the Log4j configuration inherited from the pineapple-test-utils project.

Spring configuration file(s)

The project contains a configuration file which defines a Spring application context which initializes the object in the project and can be imported into other projects who wishes to use the content of this project. The file is located in src/main/resources/com.alpha.pineapple.hamcrest-config.xml.

Internationalization (I18N) configuration file

The project uses internationalization. Messages used by classes in the project are located in the file src/main/resources/