This example illustrates how the Docker plugin can be used to create multiple Docker containers.
This example expands the example for creation of a single container: How-to: Create Docker container.
Expand the model file with an extra container element named alpha02>:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <mmd:models xmlns:mmd="" xmlns:dkp="" > <mmd:model target-resource="docker-node" target-operation="deploy-configuration" description="Define Docker image: centos:latest" > <mmd:content> <dkp:docker> <dkp:image repository="centos" tag="latest" /> </dkp:docker> </mmd:content> </mmd:model> <mmd:model target-resource="docker-node" description="Define Docker containers" > <mmd:content> <dkp:docker> <dkp:container name="alpha01" > <dkp:image repository="centos" tag="latest" /> </dkp:container> <dkp:container name="alpha02" > <dkp:image repository="centos" tag="latest" /> </dkp:container> </dkp:docker> </mmd:content> </mmd:model> </mmd:models>
The extra container is added through definition of an extra dkp:container element with the name alpha02.
The container element has a name attribute which is a mandatory in Pineapple. After the container is created by Pineapple then it is renamed to the name specified by the attribute. The container names must be unique within the Docker instance.
The added container is named alpha02 to observe the requirement.