How-to: Test reverse DNS resolution of an IP address


Two steps are needed to configure the plugin to work:

  • Define resource which defines access to the plugin.
  • Define test cases in Pineapple module.

A prefabricated example in the default configuration

Pineapple includes a prefabricated version of this example in the default configuration. The example is named infrastructure-test-002-reverse-dns-resolution-localhost. The default configuration is created by starting Pineapple. The default configuration will also create the required resource in the local environment which is used to execute the test operation on the model.

Add reverse DNS resolution test cases to Pineapple module

Open the model file for the target environment and add the test case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mmd:models xmlns:xs=""
  xmlns:ifp="" >
  <mmd:model target-resource="infrastructure-test">             
        <itp:dns-reverse-resolution-test host="garuda" ip="" description=" resolves to garuda" />

Meaning of the elements in the test

  • The dns-reverse-resolution-test element defines the skeleton of the test case.
  • The description attribute should contain a suitable description of the test which is used by Pineapple at run time in clients and reports to show the outcome of the test.
  • The host attribute defines the expected host name that the IP address should be resolved to.
  • The ip attribute defines the IP address which should be resolved to an host name.

Run the test

  1. Start Pineapple.
  2. Select the module infrastructure-test-002-reverse-dns-resolution-localhost which where created above.
  3. Select the model named local.
  4. Execute the test operation by selecting the menu Execute | Test | Run Test.