Session retry support


When a plugin session tries to connect or disconnect from a remote resource it will occasionally fail. To increase robustness, when establishing a remote connection (or terminating it), Pineapple will retry to establish/terminate a connection several times prior to reporting that it failed. Intermediate failures during connection management, which eventually succeeds, will reported in the text output of the operation. When the internal retry limit is reached, Pineapple will report that establishing/terminating the connection failed.

Pineapple is currently configured to retry 4 times before reporting that establishing/terminating a connection failed.

Supported for all plugins

The retry logic is implemented in the Pineapple core component. The behavior is automatically supported for all current and future plugins.


Configuration of the number of retries is only possible by modifying the internal configuration file for the core component.

The value is defined the core configuration file com.alpha.pineapple.core-config.xml in the XML element named simpleRetryPolicy where the attribute maxAttempts defines the number of retries.