How-to: Register a result listener with the core component

Implement a result listener

Implement the com.alpha.pineapple.execution.ResultListener which is defined in the pineapple-api project:

public class LoggingListenerImpl implements ResultListener
     * Logger object.
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( this.getClass().getName() );

    public void notify(ExecutionResultNotification notification) {     
        // get result
                ExecutionResult result = notification.getResult();      
        // log debug message
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
            message.append( "Received notification <" );
            message.append( result.toString() );
            message.append( ">." );            
            logger.debug( message.toString() );

Register the result listener with the core component

In your client of choice, create the core component and register the listener:

  // create core component
  CoreFactory coreFactory = new CoreFactory();
  PineappleCore core = coreFactory.createCore();
  // create the listener 
  ResultListener listener = new LoggingListenerImpl ();  

  // register the listener

Invoke an operation to receive notifications

In your client of choice, invoke an operation:

  // get user.home
  String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
  // define default pineapple runtime directory
  File runtimeDirectory = new File( userHome, ".pineapple" ); 
  // define modules directory
  File modulesDirectory = new File( runtimeDirectory, "modules" ); 
  // setup parameters
  String operation = "run-tests";
  String environment =  "production-2-a"; 
  String module = "jee-platform-infrastructure-tests" ; 
  // execute operation
  Future<String> future;
  future = core.execute( operation, environment, modulesDirectory, module );

  // invoke get-method to block until execution is complete
  String result = future.get();

And look in your Log4j log to inspect the notifications...