How-to: Create the core component which loads resources from an alternate location

This example extends the example with creation of the core component with the custom provider.

As described in the previous example, start by creating the custom provider:

  // create core factory
  CoreFactory coreFactory = new CoreFactory();

  // get user.home
  String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
  // define directory where credentials file is located 
  File credDirectory = new File( userHome, "yuna" ); 
  // initialize credential file
  File credentialsFile = new File( creadDirectory, "creds.xml" );

  // create credential provider
  CredentialProvider provider = coreFactory.createCredentialProvider(credentialsFile);                

Then create a File object with the location of the resources file:

  // get user.home
  String userHome = System.getProperty( "user.home" );
  // define directory where resources file is located
  File someDirectory = new File( userHome, "belias" ); 

  // initialize resources file
  File resourcesfile = new File( someDirectory, "res.xml" );            

Finally an instance of the core component is created using the core factory:

  // create core component
  PineappleCore core = coreFactory.createCore( provider, resourcesfile );    

How the core component will the load environment configuration

The location where the environment configuration is loaded from is determined by resolution the of runtime directories used by the core component.

With the the system property pineapple.home.dir defined

The core component will:

  • load resources from ${user.home}/belias/res.xml.
  • load credentials from ${user.home}/yuna/creds.xml.

Without the the system property pineapple.home.dir defined

The core component will:

  • load resources from ${user.home}/belias/res.xml.
  • load credentials from ${user.home}/yuna/creds.xml.

Please notice: The location where the credentials is loaded from can be customized by the credentialsFile argument to the CoreFactory.createCredentialProvider(credentialsFile) factory method.