Execution framework reference


Pineapple defines an framework for monitoring and controlling the execution of operations. The purpose of the framework is to:

  • Control the execution of operations.
  • Gather runtime information about the execution of operations and commands.
  • Deliver the information to clients in real time.

Execution result

The core class in the framework is the ExecutionResultImpl class which implements the ExecutionResult interface. The class is used by Pineapple to capture runtime information about and control the execution of operations.

Start a new execution

A new execution can be create in three different ways:

Starting a new execution using the result class directly

To start a new execution which should tracked by execution results, create an instance by invoked the new operator:

  ExecutionResult rootResult = new ExecutionResultImpl("some description");     

The semantics of invoking the constructor ExecutionResultImpl( String description ) is:

  1. Creates a new execution result with running state.
  2. The internal stop watch is running for the execution result.
  3. The execution result has the description "some description".
  4. The parent result is null for the new execution result.
Starting a new execution using the result repository

To start a new execution which should tracked by execution results, invoke the startNewExecution(String description) on a result repository to create a root result:

  ExecutionResult rootResult = resultRepository.startNewExecution( "some description" );        

The semantics of the startNewExecution( description ) is:

  1. Creates a new execution result with running state.
  2. The internal stop watch is running for the execution result.
  3. The execution result has the description "some description".
  4. The parent result is null for the new execution result.

Composite result hierarchies

Branching of the execution path can be tracked by adding a child result to an existing execution result:

  ExecutionResult modelResult = rootResult.addChild( "some description" );      

The semantics of the addChild( description ) method is:

  1. Creates a new execution result with running state.
  2. The internal stop watch is running for the execution result.
  3. The execution result has the description "some description".
  4. The child result is added as a child result to the rootResult on which the addChild(..) method was invoked.
  5. The rootResult is added as parent result to the child result.

TODO: clarify what happens if a child is added to a non-running result?

Execution state

A execution result contains an state variable which defines the runtime state of the application whose execution is documented by the result.

The legal states

The legal states are:

  • executing - signals that the tracked application part is executing.
  • success - signals that execution is completed and it was a success.
  • failure - signals that execution is completed and it failed due to some criteria defined by the application.
  • error - signals that execution is completed and it terminated with an unexpected exception.
  • computed - signals that execution is completed and that the state should be computed based on the results of its child results.
  • interrupted - signals the execution was interrupted (either cancelled of aborted due to failure)

The legal states is defined as an enum named com.alpha.pineapple.execution.ExecutionResult.ExecutionState which is used to set and query about the states of execution results when using the framework:

public interface ExecutionResult {

   * Defines the execution state of a execution result.
  enum ExecutionState {
    COMPUTED,   // completed execution state is computed from children
    SUCCESS,    // completed execution, execution was successful
    FAILURE,    // completed execution, execution resulted in failure
    ERROR,      // completed execution, execution encountered an unexpected error
    EXECUTING,  // execution is in progress
    INTERRUPTED // completed execution, execution was interrupted (either cancelled of aborted due to failure)
  // remaining interface definition here..
The initial state is executing

When an execution result is created the state is set to executing. This applies for root and child results.

Setting execution state

When the execution (or the application part which is tracked by an execution result) is complete the execution result needs to be updated to reflect the outcome of the execution. Set the state using the methods:

  • CompleteAsSuccessful(..)
  • CompleteAsFailure(..)
  • CompleteAsError(..)
  • CompleteAsComputed(..)
  • CompleteAsInterrupted(..)

..which add one or more messages using a message source and sets the state. Usage of the different methods are described in the following sections.

Finally the state can be set using the method setState(...), but using this method has the disadvantage that messages needs to be added afterwards

Setting the state as success

The success state is used to capture the successful execution of some code. An example could the successful execution of an test command where the assertion of the expected and actual values succeeded. An example of a test command which uses the success and failure state to report the outcome of the test can be found here: How-to: Write a simple test command whose outcome is reported using the execution framework.

The state of the execution result object is set using the completeAsSuccessful(..) method:

  // assert
  if (ip.equalsIgnoreCase( actualIP )) {
    // set successful result                    
    Object[] args = { this.hostname, this.ip };                 
    executionResult.completeAsSuccessful(messageSource, "trnc.succeed", args);                                          
  // else set failed result

The semantics of the completeAsSuccessful(MessageSource messageSource, String key, Object[] args) is:

  1. The message key defined by key is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the args arguments which is substituted into the resolved message.
  2. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Message.
  3. The state is set to success.
Setting the state as failure

The success state is used to capture the unsuccessful execution of some code. An example could the unsuccessful execution of an test command where the assertion of the expected and actual values failed. An example of a test command which uses the success and failure state to report the outcome of the test can be found here: How-to: Write a simple test command whose outcome is reported using the execution framework.

The state of the execution result object is set using the completeAsFailure(..) method:

  // assert
  if (ip.equalsIgnoreCase( actualIP )) {
    // set successful result                    
  // set failed result
  Object[] args = { this.hostname, this.ip.toString(), this.actualIP.toString() };            
  executionResult.completeAsFailure(messageSource, "trnc.failed", args);

The semantics of the completeAsFailure(MessageSource messageSource, String key, Object[] args) is:

  1. The message key defined by key is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the args arguments which is substituted into the resolved message.
  2. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Error Message.
  3. The state is set to failure.
Setting the state as error

The error state is used to capture unexpected exceptions in logic/code whose execution is documented by execution results. An example of a test command which uses the error state to report errors during execution of the test can be found here: How-to: Write a simple test command whose outcome is reported using the execution framework.

If exceptions is caught by a try/catch block then the error state can set be using the completeAsError(..) method:

  ExecutionResult myResult = ...        
  // some logic 
  try {          
    // some logic                                       
    // set result as successful, failed or compute it                                                           
  } catch (Exception e) {                             
    myResult.completeAsError(messageSource, "dmtd.error", null, e);

The semantics of the completeAsError(MessageSource messageSource, String key, Object[] args, Exception e) is:

  1. The message key defined by key is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the args arguments which is substituted into the resolved message.
  2. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Error Message.
  3. The stack trace of the exception defined by argument e is extracted and stored in the execution result using the message key Stack Trace.
  4. The state is set to error.

The execution can alos be completed with an error using an exception is input:

  ExecutionResult myResult = ...        
  // some logic 
  try {          
    // some logic                                       
    // set result as successful, failed or compute it                                                           
  } catch (Exception e) {                             

The semantics of the completeAsError(Exception e) is:

  1. The message is read from the exception using Exception.getMessage() and stored in the execution result using the message key Error Message.
  2. The stack trace of the exception defined is extracted and stored in the execution result using the message key Stack Trace.
  3. The state is set to error.
Setting the state as computed

Logic whose state should be computed based on the results of its child results should implement it this way:

  Object[] args = { type };
  myResult.completeAsComputed(messageSource, "dmtd.completed", args);           

The semantics of the completeAsComputed(MessageSource messageSource, String key, Object[] args) is:

  1. The message key defined by key is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the args arguments which is substituted into the resolved message.
  2. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Message.
  3. The state is set to computed and the execution result will compute the execution state as described in XXXX.
Setting the state as computed, advanced version

There is an more advanced way to set the state as computed which will produce different messages depending on the whether computed state is

  • success
  • failure or error

The advanced method is invoked this way:

  Object[] successfulArgs = { type };
  Object[] failedArgs = { type2 };
  myResult.completeAsComputed(messageSource, "xyz.completed", successfulArgs, "xyz.failed", failedArgs);                                      

The semantics of the completeAsComputed(MessageSource messageSource, String successfulKey, Object[] successfulArgs, String failedKey, Object[] failedArgs) is:

  1. The state is set to computed and the execution result will compute the execution state as described in XXXX.
  2. If the computed state is success then:
    1. The message key defined by successfulKey is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the successfulArgs arguments which is substituted into the resolved message.
    2. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Message.
  3. Else:
    1. If the array failedArgs is null, then a new extended failedArgs array of size 2 is created. Otherwise a new extended failedArgs>> array is created which is the size of <<<failedArgs + 2.
    2. If the array failedArgs is null, then a new message argument array of size 2 is created. Otherwise a new message argument array is created which is the size of failedArgs + 2.
    3. The number of failed children is added at index 0 in the extended failedArgs array.
    4. The number of children terminated with an error is added at index 1 in the extended failedArgs array.
    5. The message key defined by failedKey is resolved from the message source object messageSource with the extended failedArgs array whose content is substituted into the resolved message.
    6. The resolved message is stored in the execution result using the message key Message.

Using the advance version requires that the failed message is defined with at least two arguments:

tdc.failed=XYZ failed, because [{0}] child executions failed and [{1}] child executions terminated with an error.

It is possible to invoke the method with null argument lists:

  myResult.completeAsComputed(messageSource, "xyz.completed", null, "xyz.failed", null );                                     

..but the requirement for the failed message is the same.

Setting the state as interrupted

TODO: write...

Computing the execution state

Algorithm for computing the execution state

Input to the state computation:

  • The input state which is the state of the node it self.

The algorithm is:

  1. Count the number children which have state success, failure, error, executing and interrupted.
  2. Force all executing children to execution state error.
  3. Add a message with the message key Composite Execution Result which describes the number of children, how many succeeded, how many failed, how many terminated with an error and how many was interrupted.
  4. If input state for the current result is error then the state is set to error and the computation is complete.
  5. If the number of children with errors > 0 then state is set to error and the computation is complete.
  6. If input state for the current result is interrupted then the state is set to interrupted and the computation is complete.
  7. If the number of children which where interrupted > 0 then state is set to interrupted and the computation is complete.
  8. If input state for the current result is failure then the state is set to failure and the computation is complete.
  9. If the number of children with failure > 0 then state is set to failure and the computation is complete.
  10. The state is set to success and the computation is complete.

Comments regarding the input state and the algorithm:

  • Resolution of the state is based on the priority, that error takes precedence over interrupted which takes precedence over failure which takes precedence over success.
  • If the input state is computed then algorithm will only compute from the state of the children. If the node doesn't have any children then then we have a success.
..child error is propagated to parent result with computed state
..child failure is propagated to parent result with computed state
..child success doesn't override parent error
..child success doesn't override parent failure
..child success doesn't override parent failure
..forcing a running child to error

..state of running children is forced to error, because of the programming bug that the parent state is attempted to be set before the child state is set.

State is propagated to parent node

..when state is set then parent is inspected..

.. if parent isn't running (i.e. have already be set) then parent state is updated by setting the parent state computed to trigger a recomputation of the parent state..

Result contains an stop watch

..starts when execution result is created

.. stops when state is changed from initial running state to something else

..cannot be restarted.

Facility for storing messages

..messages can be stored used the addMessage method

..default names:

  • Message
  • Stack Trace
  • Error Message
  • Composite Execution Result

The default names are defined as constants on the ExecutionResult interface:

public interface ExecutionResult {

        public final String MSG_MESSAGE = "Message";
        public final String MSG_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Error Message";        
        public final String MSG_STACKTRACE = "Stack Trace";
        public final String MSG_COMPOSITE = "Composite Execution Result";
        // remaining interface definition goes here..

Example of storing a message using one of the constants:


Continuation policy

A result is created with a continuation policy which defines how the execution should react to events regarding the interruption of the execution. The continuation policy supports these event:

  • Execution is aborted when an failure or error occurs.
  • Execution is interrupted by external party, e.g. the human user.

Creation of the continuation policy

The continuation policy is created when a root result is created. The continuation is global/shared for the root result and all child results in an execution.

The continuation policy is created with the directive:

  • Continue execution on failure or error. This is the default behavior of Pineapple prior to the introduction of support for continuation policy.

Pineapple sets this value based on the content of models. Pineapple uses the content of models to directs it runtime behavior to support the continuation policy.

Getting the policy

The result continuation policy can be obtained from a result using the method:

  ContinuationPolicy policy = result.getContinuationPolicy();

Modify the initial policy directive

The directive can be modified:

  ContinuationPolicy policy = result.getContinuationPolicy();

or (to confirm the default value):

  ContinuationPolicy policy = result.getContinuationPolicy();

The API is designed in such a way that the directive can only be changed once.

Reporting an error, failure or interruption in a cooperative fashion

If the continuation directive is disabled and an error, failure or interruption is registered by the framework then it will capture the "failed" result and throw an exception to signal that the execution should be aborted.

The prerequisite is to disable the continuation directive:

  ContinuationPolicy policy = result.getContinuationPolicy();

..then an execution (or part of it) is completed by setting the state of an result:

  // create child result
  ExecutionResult childResult = rootResult.addChild( "some child description");

  // complete 
  childResult.completeAsError(messageSource, "dmtd.error", null, e);

The framework implements the algorithm to signal that execution should be aborted:

  1. If the result completed with error, failure or interruption (either directly or computed into one of these states) then the result will be captured internally by the execution framework.
  2. The state of the continuation policy will be updated with the captured result:
  3. If attempt is made to create a new child result then the framework will throw the runtime exception InterruptedExecutionException.

Users of the framework should take note when this exception is thrown and in a friendly cooperative approach:

  • Restrain from creating more child results.
  • Complete all executing results.
  • Exit execution of whatever is going on.

Querying the continuation policy for friendly cooperation

To avoid the presence of InterruptedExecutionException the continuation policy can be queried as to whether the execution should be aborted or continue:

  // query whether execution should continue
  if(!policy.continueExecution()) return;
  // continue execution 

Result listener

Interested parties can implement the ResultListener interface and then register them self as an observer at the core component.

The core component implements the observer pattern to provide a facility for clients to be notified in real time of how the execution of an operation proceeds.

The core component has the role of subject in the observer pattern. To support the role, it provides the addListener( ResultListener listener ) method which should be used by observers to register themselves. The core component contain logic which notifies all registered observers during execution of an operation.

Clients should implement objects with the role of observer and register them with the core component to be notified of how the execution an operation proceeds.

An observer must implement the com.alpha.pineapple.execution.ResultListener interface:

public interface ResultListener {

  void notify(ExecutionResultNotification notification);

Notification of observers

Each time an execution result object changes it state, all registered observers are notified of the change. The notification is implemented by invoking notify(ExecutionResultNotification notification) on the each registered observer.

The argument is a notification object which contains:

  • Execution result object which have changed state.
  • The new recorded state of the execution result object.

To capture the state when listeners are notified the state is recorded separately in the notification. Since the state of an execution result is mutable, the recorded state in the notification might not match the state of the execution result since its state can have changed since the creation of the notification and the notification of the observers.

An observer can query the the execution result about its new state and additional info.

Result repository

..container for listeners

..container controlling execution of operations.

Result factory

The ExecutionResultFactory interface defines an interface for creation of execution results objects.

The Spring application context for the API project contains a bean named executionResultFactory which implements the ExecutionResultFactory interface. The bean is implemented by the DefaultExecutionResultFactoryImpl class.

Creating new execution using the factory

Inject the result factory using Spring:

  ExecutionResultFactory executionResultFactory;

A result instance can be created using the factory

  ExecutionResult result = executionResultFactory.startExecution("Some description");

The semantics of the startExecution(String description) is:

  1. Creates a new execution result with running state.
  2. The internal stop watch is running for the execution result.
  3. The execution result has the description "some description".
  4. The parent result is null for the new execution result.


The exception class ExecutionResultException can be used to signal an error during execution of execution result by encapsulating the result..