A trigger can be defined as part of a plugin specific model. A trigger is configured to executed based on some condition. The condition(s) can either be the result of targeting the model to a resource and/or the operation used to invoke the operation.
In this example, we define a trigger which based on the result and the operation.
Two modules are used. One module infrastructure-test-005-monitor-docker-host contains a test. The other module ssh-013-start-docker-host contains a corrective action if the test fails.
linux-vagrant is used as the target environment. A model named linux-vagrant.xml is defined in the infrastructure-test-005-monitor-docker-host module. The model defines a test to verify whether a Docker host listens on
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <mmd:models xmlns:mmd="http://pineapple.dev.java.net/ns/module_model_1_0" xmlns:itp="http://pineapple.dev.java.net/ns/plugin/infrastructure_1_0" > <mmd:model target-resource="infrastructure-test" description="Test (and restart) Docker"> <mmd:content> <itp:infrastructure> <itp:tcp-connection-test host="" description="Test Docker host is listening on"> <itp:port value="8082" /> </itp:tcp-connection-test> </itp:infrastructure> </mmd:content> <mmd:trigger name="Restart Docker host" on-target-operation="test" on-result="{failure,error}" module="ssh-013-start-docker-host" environment="linux-vagrant" operation="deploy-configuration" /> </mmd:model> </mmd:models>
The model defines a trigger which is executed if the model is executed with the test operation and the model execution concludes with either a failure or an error.
The trigger is defined to invoke the module named ssh-013-start-docker-host with the model for the linux-vagrant environment and the operation deploy-configuration to execute the corrective action.
A model named linux-vagrant.xml for the target environment linux-vagrant is defined in the ssh-013-start-docker-host module. The model defines a corrective action to be taken using SSH. The action is targeted to the host ssh-host1.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <mmd:models xmlns:mmd="http://pineapple.dev.java.net/ns/module_model_1_0" xmlns:shp="http://pineapple.dev.java.net/ns/plugin/ssh_1_0" > <mmd:model target-resource="ssh-node1" target-operation="deploy-configuration" description="Restart Docker host" > <mmd:content> <shp:ssh> <shp:execute command="sudo service docker start"/> </shp:ssh> </mmd:content> </mmd:model> </mmd:models>
When the infrastructure-test-005-monitor-docker-host module (and the linux-vagrant environment) is executed with the test operation then the test is executed at the targeted hosts.
If the test fails at the targeted host then the trigger is executed.
The trigger will the invoke ssh-013-start-docker-host module (in the linux-vagrant environment) with the deploy-configuration operation. The module is targeted to the same host as the test module. The module will (re)start the Docker host.