This page describes the design of the continuous integration setup used to build and test the Pineapple project.
Two setups are used to develop Pineapple:
Shippable provides a dashboard for the CI setup at: Pineapple dashboard at Shippable\
A new build is initiated when a commit is made to the master branch.
The build creates the Pineapple Docker image and uploads it to DockerHub.
The build uploads the Pineapple binaries to Bintray.
The local continuous integration setup for Pineapple consists of the components:
The setup consists of a host machine where VirtualBox, Vagrant and Pineapple are installed. VirtualBox is used as hypervisor. Vargrant is used to define and managed virtual machines. Pineapple is used to do the initial build of the build the setup.
Two virtual machines are hosted on VirtualBox:
The purpose of the VM is to run a Docker host which contains Docker containers with the CI tools, e.g. Jenkins and Artifactory. The tools are setup through the creation of these Docker images:
The setup is defined in the example module named xx-pineapple-dev-docker-install-ci-linux64. The module creates the setup through these steps:
The environment used to install the setup is named linux-pineapple-ci.
The environment contains the definition of the resources:
The environment, resources and credentials are created as part of the default configuration.
The SSH daemon is started and listens on
The Docker daemon is running on
The SSH daemon is started and listens on
The Docker daemon is running on
Docker is installed as an OS service.
Docker listens on
The installation consists of these steps:
Docker is configured to:
The Docker daemon configuration file daemon.json is installed in /etc/docker/daemon.json. The file configures the daemon to:
The file contains:
{ "hosts": [ "unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "tcp://" ] }
The Docker systemd is overridden by the drop-in file systemd-override.conf. The file is installed in /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/systemd-override.conf. The purpose of the file is to clear any default host flags from the systemd configuration file installed by Docker. This will avoid conflict with the etc/docker/daemon.json.
The file contains:
[Service] # This line resets / "removes" the original ExecStart as was defined in the main systemd unit file ExecStart= # This line defines the new ExecStart to use _instead_ ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd
The image for the CI container is based on the official Jenkins Docker image jenkins/jenkins:2.163-jdk11.
The Jenkins image is extended to support configuration of Jenkins with the Pineapple configurations and build jobs. The extension is implemented through definition of a new docker image named pineapple/ci:1.0. The dockerfile for the CI container is located in xx-pineapple-dev-docker-install-ci-linux64/dockersrc/ci
The dockerfile copies the Jenkins configuration files to the Jenkins staging directory /usr/share/jenkins/ref/. When is run (as part of starting a container) then the files are copied to the /var/jenkins_home volume used by the jenkins container.
The set of used plugins are defined in the Dockerfile for the pineapple/ci:1.0 image:
# Install plugins RUN /usr/local/bin/ \ blueocean:1.10.2 \ disk-usage:0.28 \ pipeline-maven:3.67
The Jenkins admin user is defined in the Dockerfile for the pineapple/ci:1.0 image:
# Setting up environment variables for Jenkins admin user ENV JENKINS_USER admin ENV JENKINS_PASS admin
The CI container is named "ci".
The CI container defines a network link to the "repo" container: repo:repository while defining the DNS name repository internally in the CI container. The DNS name is used in the settings.xml to access the different repositories.
The used Jenkins image is based on OpenJDK 11. The OpenJDK 11.x is installed in support compilation of Pineapple with Java 11.
The main Jenkins configuration file is /var/jenkins_home/config.xml is used to define the path to the JDK used for compiling build jobs:
... <jdks> <jdk> <name>openjdk-11_linux-x64</name> <home></home> <properties> <> <installers> <> <url></url> <subdir>jdk-11</subdir> </> </installers> </> </properties> </jdk> </jdks> ...
The Jenkins Maven configuration file /var/jenkins_home/hudson.tasks.Maven.xml is used to define the version of Maven to be installed and used by Jenkins for build jobs:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <hudson.tasks.Maven_-DescriptorImpl> <installations> <hudson.tasks.Maven_-MavenInstallation> <name>maven-3.5.4</name> <properties> <> <installers> <hudson.tasks.Maven_-MavenInstaller> <id>3.5.4</id> </hudson.tasks.Maven_-MavenInstaller> </installers> </> </properties> </hudson.tasks.Maven_-MavenInstallation> </installations> </hudson.tasks.Maven_-DescriptorImpl>
The standard Maven configuration file /var/jenkins_home/settings.xml is used to define the repositories used by Maven to resolve dependencies. The configuration file can be generated by exporting it from Artifactory.
The Maven configuration file is referenced by the pipeline in the Jenkinsfile:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <servers> <server> <username>admin</username> <id>central</id> </server> <server> <username>admin</username> <id>snapshots</id> </server> </servers> <mirrors> <mirror> <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> <name>repo</name> <url>http://repository:8081/artifactory/repo</url> <id>repo</id> </mirror> </mirrors> <profiles> <profile> <repositories> <repository> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <id>central</id> <name>libs-release</name> <url>http://repository:8081/artifactory/libs-release</url> </repository> <repository> <snapshots /> <id>snapshots</id> <name>libs-snapshot</name> <url>http://repository:8081/artifactory/libs-snapshot</url> </repository> </repositories> <pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <snapshots> <enabled>false</enabled> </snapshots> <id>central</id> <name>plugins-release</name> <url>http://repository:8081/artifactory/plugins-release</url> </pluginRepository> <pluginRepository> <snapshots /> <id>snapshots</id> <name>plugins-snapshot</name> <url>http://repository:8081/artifactory/plugins-snapshot</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories> <id>artifactory</id> </profile> </profiles> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>artifactory</activeProfile> </activeProfiles> </settings>
Please notice that the repository is referenced throught the usage of the DNS name repository This name is made available to the CI container through network linking when the CI container is created.
The image for the repository container is based on the official Artifactory OSS Docker image. The extension is implemented through definition of a new docker image named pineapple/repo:1.0. The dockerfile for the CI container is located in xx-pineapple-dev-docker-install-ci-linux64/dockersrc/repo
The image defines the data volume:
When the container is started, then the web service /artifactory/api/system/configuration is invoked with HTTP GET to trigger initialization of Artifactory.
After the initialization is completed, the web service /artifactory/api/system/configuration is invoked with HTTP POST to install the Artifactory system configuration from the file artifactory.config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <offlineMode>false</offlineMode> ... <localRepository> <key>ext-release-local</key> <description>Local repository for third party libraries</description> <includesPattern>**/*</includesPattern> <repoLayoutRef>maven-2-default</repoLayoutRef> <enableNuGetSupport>false</enableNuGetSupport> <enableGemsSupport>false</enableGemsSupport> <blackedOut>false</blackedOut> <handleReleases>true</handleReleases> <handleSnapshots>false</handleSnapshots> <maxUniqueSnapshots>0</maxUniqueSnapshots> <suppressPomConsistencyChecks>false</suppressPomConsistencyChecks> <propertySets/> <archiveBrowsingEnabled>false</archiveBrowsingEnabled> <snapshotVersionBehavior>unique</snapshotVersionBehavior> <localRepoChecksumPolicyType>client-checksums</localRepoChecksumPolicyType> <calculateYumMetadata>false</calculateYumMetadata> <yumRootDepth>0</yumRootDepth> </localRepository> ... <remoteRepositories> <remoteRepository> <key>zk-ce</key> <description>ZK CE repository</description> <includesPattern>**/*</includesPattern> <repoLayoutRef>maven-2-default</repoLayoutRef> <enableNuGetSupport>false</enableNuGetSupport> <enableGemsSupport>false</enableGemsSupport> <blackedOut>false</blackedOut> <handleReleases>true</handleReleases> <handleSnapshots>true</handleSnapshots> <maxUniqueSnapshots>0</maxUniqueSnapshots> <suppressPomConsistencyChecks>false</suppressPomConsistencyChecks> <propertySets/> <archiveBrowsingEnabled>false</archiveBrowsingEnabled> <url></url> <offline>false</offline> <hardFail>false</hardFail> <storeArtifactsLocally>true</storeArtifactsLocally> <fetchJarsEagerly>false</fetchJarsEagerly> <fetchSourcesEagerly>false</fetchSourcesEagerly> <retrievalCachePeriodSecs>43200</retrievalCachePeriodSecs> <assumedOfflinePeriodSecs>300</assumedOfflinePeriodSecs> <missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs>7200</missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs> <remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType>generate-if-absent</remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType> <unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours>0</unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours> <shareConfiguration>false</shareConfiguration> <synchronizeProperties>false</synchronizeProperties> <listRemoteFolderItems>true</listRemoteFolderItems> <rejectInvalidJars>false</rejectInvalidJars> <p2Support>false</p2Support> <p2OriginalUrl></p2OriginalUrl> <socketTimeoutMillis>15000</socketTimeoutMillis> </remoteRepository> <remoteRepository> <key>zk-ee</key> <description>ZK Enterprise repository</description> <includesPattern>**/*</includesPattern> <repoLayoutRef>maven-2-default</repoLayoutRef> <enableNuGetSupport>false</enableNuGetSupport> <enableGemsSupport>false</enableGemsSupport> <blackedOut>false</blackedOut> <handleReleases>true</handleReleases> <handleSnapshots>true</handleSnapshots> <maxUniqueSnapshots>0</maxUniqueSnapshots> <suppressPomConsistencyChecks>false</suppressPomConsistencyChecks> <propertySets/> <archiveBrowsingEnabled>false</archiveBrowsingEnabled> <url></url> <offline>false</offline> <hardFail>false</hardFail> <storeArtifactsLocally>true</storeArtifactsLocally> <fetchJarsEagerly>false</fetchJarsEagerly> <fetchSourcesEagerly>false</fetchSourcesEagerly> <retrievalCachePeriodSecs>43200</retrievalCachePeriodSecs> <assumedOfflinePeriodSecs>300</assumedOfflinePeriodSecs> <missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs>7200</missedRetrievalCachePeriodSecs> <remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType>generate-if-absent</remoteRepoChecksumPolicyType> <unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours>0</unusedArtifactsCleanupPeriodHours> <shareConfiguration>false</shareConfiguration> <synchronizeProperties>false</synchronizeProperties> <listRemoteFolderItems>true</listRemoteFolderItems> <rejectInvalidJars>false</rejectInvalidJars> <p2Support>false</p2Support> <p2OriginalUrl></p2OriginalUrl> <socketTimeoutMillis>15000</socketTimeoutMillis> </remoteRepository> </remoteRepositories> </config>
The system configuration defines:
The source system configuration file artifactory.config.xml is generated by configuring Artifactory maually and the exporting the configuration.
The web service /artifactory/ext-release-local/path/to/jar/ is invoked with HTTP POST to install artifacts into the ext-release-local repository:
# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : BOX_NAME = ENV.fetch("BOX_NAME", "bento/centos-7.6") BOX_IP = ENV.fetch("BOX_IP", "") BOX2_IP = ENV.fetch("BOX_IP", "") BOX_MEM = ENV.fetch("BOX_MEM", "2048") BOX_CPUS = ENV.fetch("BOX_CPUS", "2") VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| # virtual box provider specific settings config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", BOX_MEM] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus", BOX_CPUS] end config.vm.define :pineapple_ci do |ci_config| = BOX_NAME "private_network", ip: BOX_IP end config.vm.define :pineapple_containers do |ci_config| = BOX_NAME "private_network", ip: BOX2_IP end end
Test cases in Pineapple are organised into three groups:
The Docker support project is tested using the Docker host on the Test containers VM.
To test the Docker support project, one Docker host must be provisioned.
The Docker host is provisioned independently of the tests, and the tests assume that the Docker host is available in a well defined state.