Building Pineapple

Build from GitHub repository

Download and install Maven

  1. Download Maven 3.x+ from and install it.
  2. Add $M2_HOME/bin to your $PATH.
  3. Create a MAVEN_OPTS environment variable and set its value to: -Xms512M -Xmx512M

Build Pineapple

  1. From command-prompt, cd into the pineapple directory and run:
            mvn -cpu clean install

Deploy Pineapple

Documentation of how Pineapple is confgured to deploy to Bintray.

  1. Add Bintray profile to settings.xml
  2. Activate Bintray profile in settings.xml
                    ..other profiles...
  3. Configure credentials in settings.xml
  4. From command-prompt, cd into the pineapple directory and run:
            mvn deploy

Build documentation web site

  1. From command-prompt, cd into the pineapple directory and run:
            mvn site site:deploy 

    The generated documentation is stored in the /doc directory.